The area of interest of the University of Lodz Science and Research Centre "The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th/21st Century" are the contemporary political, economic, social and cultural conditions of the broadly understood Balkan region.
The UL Science and Research Centre "The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th/21st Century" was established on 6 June 2011 by the Resolution of the Senate of the University of Lodz. The idea of its establishment was born out of discussions held during the National Scientific Conference "Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 Years after Dayton. Past, Present and Future", organized in December 2010 by the Department of History of Eastern Europe at the University of Lodz. The conference participants recognized the need to create a research centre with a nationwide reach, bringing together representatives of various scientific disciplines, which would deal with the coordination and organization of research on the issues of former Yugoslavia, its disintegration and the functioning of new states established in the area of the so-called Western Balkans. This initiative was made more specific and received an institutionalized form as the UL Science and Research Centre "The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th/21st Century". Its founder and first director was prof. dr hab. Paweł Chmielewski. The second director of the Center was dr. hab. Konrad Składowski.
The main task of the Center is to conduct multidisciplinary scientific research. Its performers are, among others: historians, political scientists, lawyers, economists and cultural anthropologists from the University of Lodz and other academic and scientific centers.
- conducting research,
- organizing conferences and scientific meetings,
- publishing research results,
- popularizing research.
The Centre’s area of interest is the broadly understood Balkan region, and in particular:
- functioning of political entities,
- membership and relations with international organizations,
- international context and geopolitics,
- international diplomacy towards the Balkans,
- historical heritage,
- narratives about the past - historical policy, collective memory, memory conflicts,
- collective identities,
- economic and social issues,
- cultural and linguistic aspects,
- migration processes.
dr hab. Magdalena Rekść, prof. UŁ
Members of the Program Council for the term 2024-2028:
- prof. Sarina Bakić (University of Sarajevo),
- prof. Nebojša Blanuša (University of Zagreb),
- prof. Igor Duda (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula),
- dr Paweł Michalak (Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania in Lodz),
- prof. Svein Mønnesland (University of Oslo),
- prof. Duško Radosavljević (Dr Lazar Vrkatic Faculty of Law and Business Studies in Novi Sad, Union University Belgrade),
- prof. Elsa Skënderi Rakipllari (University of Tirana),
- dr hab. Konrad Składowski, prof. UŁ (University of Lodz),
- dr Nebojša Stambolija (Institute of Contemporary History in Belgrade),
- dr Dragana Stojanović (Singidunum University; University of Belgrade),
- prof. Věra Stojarová (Masaryk University),
- prof. dr hab. Przemysław Żukiewicz (University of Wrocław).
The UL Science and Research Centre "The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th/21st Century"
ul. Lindleya 3
90-131 Łódź
room 20
tel. (+48) 609-603-410