Zaproszenie na webinarium „Unia Europejska i Bałkany Zachodnie”

We invite you to the webinar "European Union and the Western Balkans". The panel will take place on February 28, 2025, starting at 4:00 PM. We are organizing the meeting together with the Institute of Public Policies, EUROPE DIRECT Kraków and the editorial office of "European Studies Quarterly".


  • dr hab. Magdalena Rekść, prof. UŁ
  • dr hab. Marta Witkowska, prof. UW
  • dr Aleksandra Wojtaszek
  • mgr Maciej Baczyński

Presenter: Bartłomiej Małczyński

The event will be held in Polish.


Source: The University of Lodz Science and Research Centre "The Balkans at the Turn of the 20th/21st Century”
Poster: Partners

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